The Malaysian CuiZines is a creative exploration in to Malaysia's multi-ethnic cuisine and history.

A series of 5 Illustrated Zines which explore a couple of the many ethnic cuisines in Malaysia, one of them including an AR element map that visualizes ingredients and techniques which came from different regions. They're displayed in zine holders which take the form of Malaysian Hawker Stalls.
Growing up with Chinese and Indian roots amongst a predominantly Malay society allowed me to explore the beauty of multiculturalism within Malaysia. However I also didn't know where to “fit in” with either of those cultures. Identity is complicated and I never really knew where I belonged, but the one thing that really helped me to embrace them all was our diverse food!
Zine 1 - Intro + AR Element Map
Allows for users to tap on different regions which have influenced Malaysian cuisine and shows what kind of spices and ingredients have come from these different countries and travelled over to Malaysia
QR code takes the user to a web page which shows: list of restaurants mostly family owned by people who’ve travelled from malaysia to the US + kind of Malaysian cuisines can be found in these restaurants

Zine 2 - Malay Cuisine
Design was influenced by batik painting design and colors found in the traditional art form

Zine 3 - Malaysian-Indian Cuisine
Design influenced by the streaks found in banana leaves which are a traditional way of serving Malaysian-Indian food

Zine 4 - Malaysian-Chinese Cuisine
Color was influenced by dishes and pottery found in Chinese-Malaysian restaurants

Zine 5 - Peranakan Cuisine
Color was influenced by the vibrant colors found in traditional Nyonya architecture and artwork

Full Presentation
Look through below to view my whole process including fabrication techniques, zine iterations, and more!