An interactive, physical computing (Arduino IDE), and fabrication project using motion sensors to recreate a zen koi pond.

My project was inspired by my childhood memories of a koi pond at home; it was where I went to clear my mind or just relax. I wanted to recreate this pond using sensors and aimed to create a zen atmosphere with this piece. The PIR motion sensor would detect motion from an individual walking past and trigger the fish to move and the light to turn on.
Vision Statement & Purpose
I initially wanted to make this as a response to my memories of koi ponds specifically throughout my childhood. However, the overarching theme/purpose of the project is simply to create something that feels calming when in the presence of the mini installation. I think koi ponds in general are really calming and meditative, I would like to try and recreate this feeling using slight interactive elements and artistic design. I wonder if a similar feeling can be recreated in a room.
Ideal Audience / Venue
I intend for this project (or some version of this project) to be placed in a dark room with a single warm light which shines upon it. I choose warm light, as this is often associated with a more meditative ambience. In terms of audience, I don’t think I am aiming this towards a specific group of people. I think if it’s executed well, it can be enjoyed by a wide range of people.
BOM & Initial Drawings

Laser Cutting
The first thing I did was laser cut the fish out watercolor paper as well as card. Having both layers would make them more sturdy and less flimsy.

Next, I used watercolor and fine line pens to bring the fish to life.

Coding & Circuit Development
Then I started working on the code and the circuit itself. The PIR motion sensor was to detect motion and trigger the servo motor to move at a 60º angle continuously as well as increase the brightness of the lamp. I used an example code to start off (simply using a PIR motion sensor to trigger the servo motor) and then started making adjustments from there.

I then spent time working on the fabrication, which was probably my favorite part. I loved using the laser cutter to cut out the pond shape and layering each piece of acrylic and bringing the pond to life. Although it was really time consuming, I found it to be really relaxing, which is how I wanted the feeling of this project to be.